1. IPoIB 인터페이스 하드웨어 주소 확인
ip a | grep ib
2. 설정 파일 (/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-ipoib.rules) 수정
# This is a sample udev rules file that demonstrates how to get udev to
# set the name of IPoIB interfaces to whatever you wish. There is a
# 16 character limit on network device names.
# Important items to note: ATTR{type}=="32" is IPoIB interfaces, and the
# ATTR{address} match must start with ?* and only reference the last 8
# bytes of the address or else the address might not match the variable QPN
# portion.
# Modern udev is case sensitive and all addresses need to be in lower case.
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{type}=="32", ATTR{address}=="?*08:c0:eb:03:00:7c:88:86", NAME="ib1"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{type}=="32", ATTR{address}=="?*08:c0:eb:03:00:7c:88:87", NAME="ib2"
3. 재부팅
sudo reboot
4. 잘 적용됐는지 확인
ip a | grep ib
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